Vaginal rejuvenation: what it is, types and results

Have questions about vaginal rejuvenation, also know as intimate rejuvenation? Find out everything with our help

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Improves aesthetics, reduces pain, and minimizes infections. Learn what vaginal rejuvenation is and how it's done.

During menopause, the vagina and vulva also age and lose some physical and functional properties, which can lead to various health issues. Nowadays, medicine allows us to combat the signs of aging and treat several intimate conditions that can affect a woman's self-esteem and sexual health. Discover the therapeutic potential of vaginal rejuvenation and learn how it's done.

What is vaginal (intimate) rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation, also known as intimate rejuvenation, is a clinical treatment aimed at improving the aesthetics and functionality of the woman's intimate area when the effects of aging become more evident. During menopause, the vagina and vulva may undergo changes in texture, colour, shape, elasticity, or lubrication, leading to vulvar and vaginal dryness, itching, infections, pain during penetration, and involuntary urine loss. This reality can affect a woman's self-esteem as well as her intimate and social relationships.

What types of vaginal rejuvenation exist and how are they performed?

There are several methods of vaginal rejuvenation, depending on the area to be treated and the goals to be achieved. We will now describe the most common ones:

1. Vaginal rejuvenation with labiaplasty

Labiaplasty (or nymphoplasty) involves the reduction of the labia minora through surgical means or using laser technology. It is indicated for women who have hypertrophy or asymmetry of the labia minora, causing discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse and physical activities, difficulty wearing tight clothing, as well as hygiene issues.

2. Vaginal rejuvenation with perineoplasty

Perineoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to reconstruct the muscles of the perineum. It is usually performed when the vaginal musculature is structurally and functionally affected due to consecutive childbirths or aging. When the vagina becomes slightly more dilated, it can result in loss of sensitivity, directly impacting sexual intercourse and negatively affecting the couple's intimate relationship. This procedure narrows the vaginal canal and restores the normal function of the perineal muscles.

3.Vaginal rejuvenation with vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty is one of the intimate rejuvenation procedures aimed at increasing the firmness of the vagina and correcting the vaginal wall. Multiple and traumatic childbirths, as well as the natural aging process, can lead to common clinical conditions such as cystocele (bladder prolapse or "dropped bladder") or rectocele (rectal prolapse or "dropped rectum"). Vaginoplasty allows for the correction of these alterations, restoring their functionality.

4. Vaginal rejuvenation with hormone therapy

The irregular production of hormones, characteristic of menopause, can cause functional changes in the vulva and vagina. Replenishing the optimal levels of hormonal substances allows for the restoration of lost balance and the recovery of aesthetics and functionality.

5. Vaginal Rejuvenation with substance application

Vaginal rejuvenation can also be achieved through the application of biological or chemical substances with therapeutic properties. This includes the use of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid, which can be used to regenerate the vulvovaginal region, especially when correcting asymmetries or improving vaginal mucosa tissue. It may be recommended in cases of vaginal atrophy, dryness, irritation, discomfort, or pain during sexual intercourse.

6. Vaginal rejuvenation with radiofrequency

Vaginal radiofrequency is a non-surgical and non-invasive option for vaginal rejuvenation. It involves the application of radiofrequency waves, combined with a cooling system, to the vaginal area, labia, and perineum. This treatment stimulates the production of new collagen fibers, which promotes a natural healing process of the skin.

7. Vaginal rejuvenation with laser

Laser is a simple and non-surgical procedure that is highly effective for intimate rejuvenation. The laser beam stimulates a healing response and remodels the tissue fibers, thereby restoring flexibility and vaginal shape. In cases of pigmentation, the laser lightens the skin, improving texture as well. Additionally, this treatment allows for the removal of small benign lesions, such as warts.

What are the limitations of vaginal rejuvenation?

Despite the various benefits and viability of vaginal rejuvenation for many patients, there are some contraindications to consider. Therefore, it may not be recommended in cases where there are specific health problems related to the tissues being treated. This includes sexually transmitted diseases, HPV (Human Papillomavirus) lesions, or active infections, which should be treated before undergoing intimate rejuvenation. Additionally, pregnant women should wait until after childbirth before considering these types of procedures.

Therefore, it is important to have a discussion with your gynaecologist so that your individual situation can be properly evaluated, and to confirm if vaginal rejuvenation is a viable treatment option for you.

What is the preparation for vaginal rejuvenation?

Laser treatments for vaginal rejuvenation do not require any specific preparation. These are short procedures, usually lasting a few minutes, and they are not painful. They can be performed on an outpatient basis, in a clinic setting, so no recovery time is needed.

When the option is surgical, it involves some care that does not significantly differ from any other minimally invasive procedure. You should undergo all the prescribed tests and examinations by your gynaecologist, and you may need to avoid certain medications in the 10 days leading up to the surgery. The genital area should be completely depilated, preferably the day before the surgery. Depending on the type of surgery, there may be some more specific precautions that should be discussed with your gynaecologist.

What to expect after vaginal rejuvenation?

Women who undergo vaginal rejuvenation can expect increased comfort in their daily lives, as well as enhanced confidence and self-esteem. The functional anatomy of the vagina is restored, and the aesthetics of the external genital organs are reshaped and rejuvenated, resulting in greater uniformity and symmetry. While the results may vary from person to person, they can be visible from the early sessions.

When the procedure is surgical, it is important to take certain precautions during and after the treatment. You should strictly follow the medical protocol, including medication intake and other recommendations prescribed by your gynaecologist. Avoid exertion in the first few days and refrain from engaging in any physical or sexual activity for several weeks after the treatment. Plan your social life to allow for complete rest in the initial days following the procedure. At home, avoid remaining in the same position for prolonged periods and gradually return to your routine. Additionally, sun exposure and smoking are strongly discouraged.

Joaquim Chaves Saúde, at the forefront of vaginal rejuvenation

Joaquim Chaves Saúde specializes in vaginal rejuvenation with laser, aimed at treating certain female conditions and improving vaginal and vulvar aesthetics. The procedure is painless, without the need for anaesthesia, and allows for immediate return to daily life. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your intimate area, experiencing physiological symptoms, or even if you wish to prevent them, take the first step. Schedule your consultation at Joaquim Chaves Saúde and gain access to the best professionals and state-of-the-art resources to achieve the results you desire.


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