Arrhythmology Consultation

Arrhythmology test results sheet

Arrhythmology, or cardiac electrophysiology, is a subspecialty of Cardiology dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of changes in the heartbeat or heart rhythm. An arrhythmia is an alteration in the heart rate or rhythm, which is essentially characterised by two types: high heart rate, i.e. very fast heartbeats (tachycardia) or low heart rate, i.e. slow heartbeats (bradycardia).

The main symptoms to be aware of – and for which one might need to seek help from a specialist – are:

  • Palpitations, or irregular and/or rapid heartbeats;
  • Dizziness, fainting, or loss of consciousness (syncope);
  • Fatigue, intolerance to exertion or shortness of breath.

Observation and evaluation of the patient during consultation with the physician are essential steps in the diagnosis of a possible arrhythmia and in the choice of treatment, which differs depending on the type of arrhythmia and its identified cause.

Joaquim Chaves Saúde has the most advanced exams and complementary means of diagnosis and first-line therapeutic protocols, which makes us a reference in the area of Arrhythmology. In our clinics, you will find a dedicated and experienced team to accompany you throughout the journey and help you recover your health and quality of life, through the Heart Rhythm Consultation.

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