
Sofia Campina Costa

  • Speciality/Service


  • Key areas of expertise

    Immunoallergology of Adult and Pediatric Groups, Skin Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis and Urticaria, Respiratory Allergy, Allergic Rhinitis, Rhinosinusitis and Bronchial Asthma, Allergy to Medicines and Foods

  • Languages


  • Professional Certificate


  • Services

    • Consulta Alergologia

  • Health Units

  • Agreements and Protocols

    • Advancecare - Cimpor

    • Advancecare - Companhia Seguros Açoreana

    • Advancecare - Companhia Seguros Lusitânia

  • Activity na Joaquim Chaves Saúde

  • Academic education

  • Professional career

Cascais Clinic.

Miraflores Clinic.

Carrying out differentiated techniques/examinations and research in Immunoallergology:


- Prick tests - used in the assessment of respiratory allergy (e.g. rhinitis, asthma, sinusitis, rhinoconjunctivitis), skin allergy (e.g. topical dermatitis) and food allergy;

- Epicutaneous or contact tests - used in the assessment of skin allergy for the diagnosis of contact and irritant dermatitis;

- Intradermal tests - used to assess drug allergy;

- Provocation tests - used to assess food allergy and drug allergy;

- Immunotherapy with allergens - allergy vaccine - differentiated and personalised treatment for allergic diseases.

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